After another change he reached often but had little to come up. I asked for the on call doctor who gave him a check-up and we though it could either be a bug (Jadie, Eva and I had had one) or post-operation puking. I got him to sleep around 11pm and he slept right through from there with the exception of the observations.
Wednesday is the day of the grand rounds at the hospital. This is where many of the departments and wards get all of their doctors together and visit all of their patents.
We were expecting a visit from the Ward doctors, the endocrinologist and the neurologists. Staying with Kaiden overnight was good as I was able to speak to them all and find out what was going to happen. The ward doctors were happy with his progress and his four hourly observations had stopped that morning. Kaiden was a little grumpy as he had been woken every four hours through the night for the last two nights and he, like his dad, loves his sleep.
Early afternoon was Dr Shaik’s grand round and this was the reason we were at Yorkhill. He was happy with Kaiden’s progress and the results of the bloods had come back. Even though Kaiden’s pituitary glad had been squished, the only thing they found was a low level of growth hormones. This was fantastic news as there were lots more nasty things to worry about than growth hormones. Dr Shaik explained that the results could just have been low on the day, but he does expect there to be a problem. He wants to see Kaiden in three months to rerun the tests, but other than that, we could go. Woohoo!
As Kaiden had been sick during the night, Dr Shaik wanted to make sure he could keep down his dinner before letting him out. he felt that the sickness was post-operative
We had to wait for Jennifer Brown to see him anyway, and by the time she came round at 5pm he had eaten. And it stayed down.
Jennifer was also so happy with his progress that she said we were good to go. She explained that he would have an air bubble in his head that would go away over the next 2-4 weeks and that it would just be a minor annoyance for Kaiden.
We packed everything in the car, is amassing the stuff you end up with and headed home. About half way home I noticed that Kaiden was pale and he did indeed throw up a little in the car. He had never been car sick before.
When we got home Jadie called the Doctors for some advice and she called Dr Shaik. If Kaiden as sick again we had to go back in, but he did not…
Glad to hear that Kaiden is home and that the surgery was successful.
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