In my last post I talked about our experiences on arriving at Yorkhill Children's Hospital and that we had no idea why, when there were many other patients recovering after an operation on Ward 66 at the Southern.
Well a consultant did come in and explained why, but I do not think that he would want his name in here. Politics…
It seams that the surgical ward at Yorkhill is run by the anaesthetists and they do not like that post operation patents are staying up on Ward 66 at the Southern and they have been putting pressure on Ward 66 to send patients down to the surgical ward.
This I think is ridicules as the neurological patients that are on Ward 66 do not tend to be unwell as with most operations and the surgical ward is not setup to handle those kind of patents.
Kaiden was settled in on Ward 66 at the Southern and with his surgeon only a building away was safe as well. It took me 20 minutes at an off peek time to get from the Southern to Yorkhill and I would not want to have to wait if there was a problem.
On top of that the facilities at the Southern are far superior to Yorkhill. With the construction of the replacement hospital at the Southern under way you can see that there has been nothing spent on the upkeep at Yorkhill.
There seams to be an amount of const saving at the expense of patents. The surgical ward takes patents from all over, so when they arrive they do not know who anyone is. On of the fantastic things about being on Ward 66 was that we had the same care and staff as we did pre-operation. It just makes the whole process slicker if you don’t have to relearn the where and the who. There is enough going on.
Politics should stay out of the way of the health and wellbeing of patents at all times.
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