Although it was a real trial getting visas and whatnot sorted, Kaiden and his sister di not really care as they got to stay with their grandparents.
Figure: Kaiden’s Visa
Kaiden loves his new house and especially his large playroom. It is especially good as the weather here is only marginally better than Scotland
Figure: Kaiden’s new house
Kaiden started making fantastic progress as soon as he got here. Most of that I am pretty sure is just coincidence as its getting to a few months after his operation, but some is due to the space and the time that his mum has to spend with him.
Figure: Kaiden and the Stairs
Figure: Kaiden and the chair
This move has been very good for Kaiden, not only does he have access to lots more room, but the things available of him here are never ending. We have been in touch with Kindering as well as Seattle Children's.
The think that is getting us a bit is the cost. Even with health insurance cover we end up paying the first $3000 (~£2000) up front before the 80/20 kicks in. Even then we need to keep paying 20% until we have paid a total of $7000 (~£5000) before the Insurance pays 100%. And that is with my company paying for me and an $800 per month premium for the rest of the family!
We are still figuring it out, but we have accepted the fact that we need to budget for a $7000 per year expense.